Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Reci (2024)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (2)

A little girl and her mother were shopping. The girl asks her mother “How old are you?” Mommy says “Honey, women don’t talk about their age, you’ll learn later on in life.”
The girl then asks, “Mommy, how much do you weigh?” Mommy says, That’s another thing women don’t talk about, you’ll find out when you are grown up.”
The girl still wanting to know about her mother asks, “Mommy, why did you and daddy get a divorce?” Mommy says, “Honey, that is a subject that hurt me very much, and I don’t want to talk about it now.”
The little girl is frustrated. She tells her girlfriend about her and her mother’s conversation. The girlfriend says, “All you have to do is sneak a look at your mother’s drivers license. It’s just like a report card, it tells you everything.”
The little girl and her mother are shopping again. The girl says, “Mommy, I know how old you are. You are 32 years old.” Her mommy is very shocked! She asks “Sweetheart how did you do that?”
The girl shrugs and says, “I just know, and I know how much you weigh. You weigh 120 pounds.” The mother is flabbergasted. She asks, “Where did you learn that?”
The little girl says, “I just know, that’s all, and I know why you and daddy got a divorce. You got an ‘F’ in sex!”

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (3)

Artists or art that turns me on and feeds my muse! Like it or dislike it, what about this art inspires your own art or creativity? This painting is by Jack Vittriano.

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (4)

Look around you. Design is everywhere! How can you incorporate the beauty that surrounds you into your art or craft? Philippe Deshoulieres “Peaco*ck” bread and butter plate.

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (5)

Upcycle an old sweater (nobody said a heart has to be red striped, or red at all), and make a couple of sweet, felted hand warmers. If it were me, I’d be embroidering initials or a little message on my Valentine’s Day gift, but I’m sentimental like that. Here’s where you start:

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (6)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (7)

I love button jewelry and this little Valentines Day button charm bracelet is not only easy to make, you can’t scream Valentine’s Day any louder when you’re wearing it. Of course, pink ismy favorite color, so I would be forced to wear it all year long but that’s up to you, cupcake. Watch this video so that you can learn how to make your own:

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (8)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (9)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (10)


refried black beans

chili powder

Sour Cream

KRAFT Shredded Cheddar Cheese

slicedblack olives


Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (12)

This buttoned iPhone bag is just amazing! Apparently, it was first designed in Japan so there’s not a whole lot of instructions, mainly visuals for making this baby. I think keeping your phone and your earbuds all in one place is genius – and I say this from one who can never ever find his earbuds. Take a crack at it:

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (13)

For well over 2 years, I have been posting up to 20 links per day or every other day, on theMark Lipinski’s Fan Pageon Facebook. Of course, in Facebook’s never ending quest to make lots of money, Facebook seems to have abandoned their mission of a real social networking site and it has become more about Facebook revenue.

Several months ago, Facebook, without warning, had implemented a new business model. As a result, the vast majority of “LIKErs” who have been faithful readers of this Fan Page have been blocked from receiving my posts, time and time again, from getting all or a few of the postings onto their timeline feed.

The reason is, Facebook would like pages like,Mark Lipinski’s Fan Page, to pay money every day, and on every post, in order to advertise and lure readers like you, onto the Fan Page.

With out “BOOSTING” a post, only about 5% of people who clicked LIKE on the Fan Page are actually seeing anything I post — and it could be random – sometimes you get a post, and sometimes not. Basically, it sucks for all of us. I am finding that we are all better served if I posted my tips, ideas, links, and jokes, etc. to my blog. You can subscribe to my blog (only if you wan to) and get an email each time I post a grouping of ideas, links, etc.

I AM NOT shutting downMark Lipinski’sFan Pageon Facebook and you are welcome to follow methere, too. What I am doing is putting everything that used to be on theFan Pageindividually onto my blog, AND there will be a daily link to the idea blog on theFan Page, just as there were multiple links to the various blogs that I’ve always linked to in the past. It’s not that different, really. It will save me a lot of time, and guarantee those who want to see the creative posts will actually get to see them. And Facebookers, will STILL have to click on “GET NOTIFICATIONS” in your Facebook Settings if they want to see what I post on Facebook (sometimes that works, but not all of the time).

Actually, my new model gives you at least TWO ways to get all of the ideas, etc. PLUS you can PIN them and they will be TAGGED so you can find them again in the search bar even years later. – through theFACEBOOK FAN PAGEand YOUR CHOICE (not mandatory) to subscribe to the blog and get email postings that way.

Thesebeautiful and intricate mosaic bird sculptures are byRavenna and Venice based artist Dusciana Bravura. To make each sculpture she uses glass paste, millefiori, crystals, iron, cementitious adhesive, gold smalti, opalescenton fibreglass structure and more.

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (15)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (16)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (17)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (18)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (19)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (20)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (21)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (22)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (23)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (24)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (25)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (26)


sour cream




dry yeast

warm water



Filling (recipe follows)

Glaze (recipe follows)


cream cheese



vanilla extract


powdered sugar


vanilla extract

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (27)

I love this video . . . so creative, inspirational, and artistic. Memba?

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (29)


  • Oreo cookies
  • cream cheese
  • Chocolate bark/melting chocolate
  • White chocolate for laces/strings


Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (30)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (31)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (32)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (33)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (34)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (35)

There is hardly a feminine soulin the world who wouldn’t get a kick out of having a lipstickpiñatafor their birthday or other special occasion. Why not surprised yourbestie for her birthday, a promotion, a get we’ll, or just to cheer her up when she needs a friend. Fill it with all of her fav candies and Dollar Store crap that she’ll love. Here’s how you make one:

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (36)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (37)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (38)

French designer and jewelerPhilippe Tournairecreates amazing architectural rings

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (39)

Here is a super modern, and super, super easy, quilt to make. It is called Angelica and if you can’t cut and peace this in less than a day, you might need a little public humiliation. Why not give it a shot? And if you’re a beginner, this quilt is perfect for you! Here’s the pattern:

Flat oxfords,Designed byPat,$139

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (40)Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (41)


Classic Duncan Hines White Cake Mix

Egg Whites


Vegetable Oil

Cans Whipped Duncan Hines Vanilla Frosting

Food coloring (preferably powder or gel, but liquid will work)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (42)

You know I’m a hole for pincushions so a crocheted pincushion is just up my alley! This tutorial will teach you both how to crochet them around as well as make this handy pincushion (not that you need one, I find that hiding them in the sofa and within the fibers of my carpeting seems to work well until Mr. Electric finds them while wearing his socks around the house). Start here to make one of your own:

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (43)

Check it out here:

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (45)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (46)

Saturday, January 17, 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (47)

Workshop:Mark’s Stars and Stripes Quilt of Valor.

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (48)

Workshop:Mark’s Impovisational Throw Me A Curve Mystery Quilt! Make anybody’s pattern your own!

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (49)

Lecture Saturday evening:The Slow Stitching Movement!

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (50)

Wondering Stitches Quilting Studio
5818 Hoffner Ave
Suite 905
Orlando, FL 32822

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (51)

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (52)

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I LOVE this blog and think you will, too! Check it out:

Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round! Make a Pincushion! Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers! PLUS . . . Recipes, Inspiration, Creativity, Ideas, and More! (54)

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Sew a Pretty Phone Case (and never lose your earbuds again), Piece an Angelica Quilt! Craft a Lipstick Piñata! Learn Crochet in the Round!  Make a Pincushion!  Annie Lennox! Make a Valentines Charm Bracelet! Upcycle Sweater Hand Warmers!   PLUS . . . Reci (2024)


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Views: 6261

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Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.