Fredonia Democrat from Fredonia, Kansas (2024)

WILSON COUNTY NEWS. A SCAFFOLD FALLS. EC IB Go to the FROM CORRESPONDENTS AND frciioma Vtmttat Only in Wilson are Two Men Drop Thirty Feet and Seriously Injured. FREDONIA STORE NEW ALBANY NUGGETS. If you want some good wine or liquor for home use address J.

Ferguson, wholesale liquor dealers, Joplin, Mo. W. I. Pierce Bros, have the biggest stock and the handsomest styles of wall paper ever brought to Wilson county. F.

M. Green desires to inform the farmers that he is buying and shipping any and all kinds of stock every day, for which he pays the highest market price. James Wallace of Clifton township, who was to have been tried at the Aug BY CXCXE SILAS. J. H.

Clift visited relatives in last week. KANSAS. FREDONIA, A serious and perhaps fatal accident occurred Thursday morning at the HAS JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF Mrs. Samuel Frye is visiting friends Buree and Mackev block in course of I in Yates Center. RAILROAD TIME TABLES.

construction on the north side of the I. B. Bahl and wife of Fredonia were square. M. B.

Bruce and Frank Nye, painters, were on a scaffold swung out i in iew Albany bunaay. Russell Steele and wife of Fall River over the front of the building painting St. Louis and San Francisco. are here visiting relatives. the cornice when one end of the scaf ust term of court in Allen county for fold gave way and both men fell thirty Miss Paulina Peyton of Fredonia vis JR, I IN ALL THE NEW FALL COLOKINGS.

COME AND GET THE PRICES ON THESE DESIRABLE DRESS GOODS. YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED IN COLORINGS OK PRICES. stealing cattle, was granted a stay of ited relatives here last week. feet to the ground below, alighting on heavy planks and rough stones. Bruce three months.

Fall River township can boast of one was the worst hurt. His right arm Farmers can now see the advantage Republican candidate for office. was broken in two places, his hip bad Mrs. Botorff of Atchison was here CLOTHING HOUSE, of railroads. Two years ago they could not sell their apples for 15 cents a bushel, and now they find ready sale at last week on a visit to relatives.

Jacob Ebv made -a business and ly mashed ana it is feared that he is injured internally, as one of the planks of the scaffold fell on him. Nye had a bad cut over the eye and some serious bruises. Both men are married and 40 and oO cents. pleasure trip to Howard last week. West side Square, Pierce's block, and see one of the newest and finest Will Hall cave the young folks an A full assortment of all the lines of ice cream supper last Saturday stocks of school books adopted for the use of schools in this county and a full line of have recently moved here from Cherry-vale.

LIQUORS FOR KANSAS. FORTY TIECES OF Rev. Donnell preached his farewell In effect Thursday, June 24, 1886, WEST BOTTND TRAINS. Mall No. 1...

2:33 a. m. Mail No. 3 1:56 p. m.

Frisco Freight No. 35 5:23 a. m. Freight No. 37 4:14 p.

m. Local Freight No. 31. 8:31 a. EAST BOUND TRAINS.

Mall No. 2 32:50 a. m. Mail No. 4 1:18 p.

m. Block Express No. 32 5:23 a. m. Local Freight No.

38 5:28 p.m. Freight No. 34. 1:56 p. m.

All trains run daily. Trains 32 and 35 do not carry pasiensers. Nos. 1 and 3 connect at Halstead with Atahi on, Topeka and Santa Fe railway for all points In Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona and California. Nos, 2 and 4 connect at union depot, St.

Louis, for all point? east, north and south. Any information desired relative to freight or passenger business will be cheerfully piven by applying to R. F. MOORE. Agent.

sermon at the Baptist church bunday Write to J. B. Ferguson, Joplin, evening. for conditions of shipment. John Kimbrel, editor of the Ash Gents' Clothing, Furnishing land Herald, is here this week visit NEW STYLE PRINTS LIST OF LETTERS ing his parents.

school supplies of all kinds has just been received at Reeger's drug store. John W. Kimbrel, one of the proprietors of the Ashland Herald, is at the home of his parents, nearKew Albany, sick with a fever. His many friends here hope to hear of his recovery soon. Wm.

Wolfe of Lima, accompanied by bis wife and son, arrived this week on a visit to his brother, J. S. Wolfe, Remaining in the postofflce at Fre Leslie Wetmore of Coyville visited donia, Wilson county, for the his brother, D. L. Wetmore, of this place last Sunday.

Goods, Hats, Gaps, Trunks, FOR EARLY FALL AND WINTER WEAR. week ending Wednesday, August 31, 1887. If not called for in thirty days they will be sent to the dead letter of The vouns folks held an ice cream supper and candy pull at Wm. Whiteside's Tuesday night. who lives near Dun.

Mr. Wolte is interested in some valuable oil wells in Geo. W. Steele and wife, who have fice at Washington, D. Bailie, Mrs Laura Hatfield, WJ Bell, Mrs Geo Williamson, Corner, Emma Williamson, Davis, Wm Etc.

Valises, Ohio. been in Mound City for some time, are here visiting relatives. Frank Brown, stenographer for W. Parties calling for any of the above Mrs. Clint Wynne, accompanied by for will please say "advertised," giving A.

Johnson of Garnett, attorney for the Missouri Pacific road, spends Sun 11111 ssoll PRICE her little daughter Dixie, started to her old home in Independence county, Wg xy fox- CVSII O-A-SIi. Strictly OlViC Southern Kansas. In effect Sunday, August 11, 1887. EAST BOUND. Through Mali and Express.

..12:02 p. m-Local 6:45 p. m. date of list. J.

Mess, Postmaster. days here with his family, who still make their home at the Commercial last bunaay. NEODESIIA NEWS. LIQUORS FOR KANSAS. D.

Crooks, who graduated -at the Write for price list and condition of BY X0W AJfD TIIEX. WfcST BOUND. state normal school last year, went to IE71. Seveison, West Side of Square. Goods for less than ever sold shipment to Lasdader There was a patent electric belt man Oswego Tuesday, having secured the jopnn, ivio.

Thronsh Mail and Emrcss 3:40 p. m. in town this week. position of teacher in the farst gram m. Local Freight 9:05 W.

T. Owen made a business trip to mar department of the city schools in before. Come and see for yourself. Wichita this week. PRETTY WOMEN.

All women look attractive when their that place. The west bound passenger train carries passengers for Galveston and other Texas points. AU trains carry passengers. W. a.

Cooper, Agent Clark Braden delivered a series of F. SCHLOESSER, The death of Mrs. John Cable of color and complexion is clear. If your "NTVk 4- cVi-rrr rvA TTU. lectures here last week.

skin is sallow.eyes are bilious, HO U1UU kJXXJ UU DilU fc KJKJKJLQ. JJ CC Mound City, occurred at the i iir -1 i i i I I. S. Deford has purchased a new de home of her father, A. ft.

Meade, in livery wagon. It is immense. secure a dox oi vv imams Austranau herb pills, take as directed, and the feeling of languor will leave you, your ice water in front of the store. OFFICIAL PAPER OF THE CITY. Dr.

Durrett's new house in the north Altoona, on Wednesday, August 24. The lady had for years been a sufferer with cancer. part of town is about completed. eyes brignten ana you are anotner 3 erg The ladies' aid society will give a FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1887. woman.

Try them. Price Zo cents. Peter Reeger. Rev. J.

T. Swinney of La Fontaine, musical and literary entertainment next Friday night. GOLDEN EAGLE CLOTHING HOUSE. having some business at Neodesha this Babies that are fretful, peevish, cross Mrs. Street, former wife of F.

L. or troubled with windy colic, teething LOCAL LACONICS. Street of this place, returned last Tues week, made the round trip via Fredonia on the cars, getting home in time for late supper. Wilson county is well fixed for railroads. pains or stomach disorders can be re day.

She has been in Canada for the lieved at once by using Acker's DaDy past year. T0NS0RIAL TORMENT A STORY OF BAR- Administrator's Notice. There was a trio of darkeys in town Bartlett Cantrall have moved their BERISM. soother. It contains no opium or morphine, hence is safe.

Price 25 cents. Sold by W. I. Pierce Bros. When cigarettes their vapors blow In people's throats and choke them, It is some comfort slight to know They kill the dudes that smoke them, Go to Reeger's for drugs.

real estate office into rooms over Every man who has ever been in a this week giving free shows on the street. Doc Lyons bought the thing out Monday ni'ght and turned it loose Hedges Whitbeck's store in the new EXCURSION TO OSWEGO, KAS. Coleman building. The entrance is CX in the front room of his restaurant, To those attending tae Indiana from the wide portico on the south side of the building. barber shop has grown familiar with the tonsorial artist's bland and stereotyped "You next, sir." When you read the following experience of a gentleman in North Carolina an experience which thousands have suffered the Kent Jamison returned Wednesday from a trip to Ottawa.

where he had a one horse minstrel show. Hoosier encampment to be held at Os wego September and round trip ex-enrsion tickets to Oswego and return W. S. Joyce has sold his interest in STATE OF Wilson County, In the matter of the estate of Mary A. nail, deceased.

NOTICE is hereby given that letters of administration have been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Mary A. Kail, deceased, late of Wilson county, state of Kansas, by the honorable probate court, dated on the 20th day of August, A. D. 1887. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified that they must present the same to the undersigned for allowance within one year from the date of said letters, and that all claims not UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER.

Will attend funerals in city and country at reasonable rates. Go to Reeger's for jewelry. the real estate firm of Bartlett Joyce Register, August 2G. Mrs. Ogden Clegg of Newark town bland knight of the razor strap stere will be on sale at 2 lo.

lickets on to C. R. Cantrall. Ill health is Mr. Joyce's reason for retiring from busi A chair factory would be an excellent sale September 8 and 9, limited to September 10.

R. F. Moore, ship, with her adopted daughter and Miss Kittie Booth, were visiting friends in this city Monday. EE EAESE. JLr 'JC.

institution for Fredonia. ness, tie win go to some neaitn resori Frisco Agent. otyped exclamation to the new comer in his shop will have a new and peculiar significance. Read and remember what to do in case you should have a similar unfortunate experience. Terry and remain until winter.

Too late for its insertion we discover FREDONIA, KS. West Side Public Square, Acker's blood elixir is the only blood presented within three years from the date of John A. Skaggs and S. Rusk pur that there was omitted one wheat grower from the list given, viz: Frank writes: remedy guaranteed. It is a positive chased the meat market formerly run Reipsville, Js.

March 12, 1887. said letters will be forever barred. C. B. JACKSON, Administrator of the estate of Mary A.

Hall, deceased. August 20, 1887. Lowry, who raised 1,765 bushels of by Blass Bailey and have opened up Gentlemen: I had barber's itch for BUTGH ART GREEN cure for ulcers, eruptions or syphilitic poisoning. It purifies the whole system and banishes all rheumatic and neuralgic pains. We guarantee it.

W. lor ousiness. i-tusK win nave cnarge Go to Reeger's for silverware. B. M.

Short arrived home Monday from a business trip to Topeka. Reeger warrants all his jewelry. H. A. Jenner returned Monday from Eureka Springs.

His wife will remain there some time. wheat on about sixty-five acres. This would raise the average of wheat per of the shop while Skaggs continues acre to over thirty-six bushels. buying and shipping stock. 1.

Pierce three months. The eruption on my face was very bad. I could not shave at all. I took a course of S. S.

S. and it completely cured me. To-day my skin is smooth and complexion denotes good blood. T. N.

Terry. Ab H'ggins brought to our office this Call your attention to their immenso stock of Administrator's Notice. This is the kind of weather that week some samples of upland corn THE SEST TERMS EVER OFFERED. should revive the old chestnut con grown just north of town that average twelve inches in length, are Bound and We have money to loan on real es cerning the young man who spent his Summer Goods. tate at 8 per cent straight, interest Go to Reeger's for clocks and watch Spring ana THE CITY MARSHAL OF 1UKA, MISS.

fully matured. It is as good as much of the bottom corn and will grade as payable annually in Fredonia. The gentleman who sent us the fol es. money during the summer tor ice cream and is now scooting about with a straw hat and nankeen trousers. STIVERS STATE OF Wilsoj County, In the matter of the estate of William Hall, deceased.

OTICE is hereby given that letters of ad-JJN ministration have been granted to the undersigned on the estate of William Hall, deceased, late of Wilson county, state of Kansas. high. It is of a yellow variety. The Fredonia creamery is running in OF lowing certificate is the city marshal of Iuka, and is a man of high character and prominently known CONSISTING Near the Frisco between here and Many ot the good things of this life Sam Morns left Sunday on a pros Fredonia is a large field of corn just full blast under the management ot Q. Smith and Ben Way.

Dress-Goods, are sorrowfully let alone on account of pecting tour to Oregon and Washing throughout the state. His son had beginning to tassel that is as green and by the honorable probate court, dated on the dvsnensia. Acker's dvsoeosia tablets ton territory. He has some notion of sunered intensely tor six years irom an tresh as any seen in May. ltwaspiant will cure dyspepsia.

Indigestion and 20th day of August, A. D. 1887. All persons having claims against said estate are hereby -wanted at the Mas- Apples eruption of the skin caused by poison ed on wheat stubble and should we constipation. Sold on a positive guar pnlling up stakes here and going to that country to locate, but he will likely get over that foolishness before notined that they must present the same to the have a late winter will make good corn.

antee at 25 and 50 cents by W. I. Pierce and otherwise will make the best of undersigned for allowance within one year from the date of said letters, and that all claims C. S. Nation and W.

D. Barnes, the oak. All remedies it appears ianea until fortunately S. S. S.

was tried, when the cure was made with wonderful promptness. Here is what this gen he gets back. fodder. not presented within three years from tne date real estate missionaries of La Fontaine, were in town Monday. of said letters will be forever barred.

$3 REWARD LOST RING. Three teams from Clark county pass The Sunday school picnic held last tleman says: I tl 'il Administrator of the estate of William Hall, de ed through the city last Wednesday Satnrdav at Maxwell's grove, six miles Lost, about uly 4, 1887, at or near Gentlemen: juy son nas sunerea ior Trimmings, Velvets, Laces, Ribbons, Ruching', Corsets, morning on their return to Labette Take your produce to the Mascot gro ceased, August 20, 1887. Fredonia, a gold cameo set ring, white west of Fredonia, was a very enjoyable county. Much curiosity was excited the past six years with an eruption on his legs caused from poison oak and cery nouse. occasion.

There was a large attend image, report to iu. ureen at city among the bystanders by one of the ance and everybody had a good time. meat market, Fredonia. cracking of the leet. seemed! This has been a pretty good week in teams being cows miicn cows that Addresses were made by O.

j. uienn, to eradicate the poison from the blood were hitched to a light spring wagon ARE YOD AWARE THAT until I gave him one bottle of Swift's Save the children. They are espe Rev. Spencer and uanes. with a rough harness.

They reported specific. This entirely cured him and cially liable to sudden colds, coughs, the police court. Six cases were disposed of Monday and Tuesday. Harness from $6 to $40 a set at K. Horton the crops all burnt up in Clark county The popular idea has been that the croup, whooping cougn, etc.

ve guar I heartily recommend it to the public as a sure cure for poison oak. and were sick of western Kansas. antee Acker's Jingiisn remedy a posi world contains seven wonders, but the eighth made his appearance at the tive cure. It saves hours of anxious Treatise on blood and skin diseases Bis Stock of Hosiery, 1 A SATURDAY NIGHT ROUND UP. capital.

It was a poor benighted man watching. Sold by W. I. Pierce Bros. BARRETTS mailed free.

limpina with rheumatism who had The Swift Specific company. Drawer Last Saturday evening a row occurred The recent rains have given the pastures quite a boom and have put the ground in fine condition for fall plow SCHOOL BOOKS. never heard of salvation oil. It is sold 3, Atlanta, Ga. New York, lo7 West in tne alley soutn oi tne square in by all druggists at 25 cents a bottle.

Twenty-third street. Staple Dry Goods of all which James McDonough received a A full assortment of school books ing. shot from a 32 caliber revolver in the and a large stock of school supplies of Will sell you the very best goods that the mar The matron of he home of the friend A dog supposed to be mad was shot -at the Kinds, of Notions, neighborhood of the short ribs. As it See the elegant styles in wall papers all kinds at Keeger's drug store. creamery on Monday morning, uoney viae happened the ball struck where it had at W.

I. Pierce Fine Line Journal. ket affords for the same price others charge for inferior goods? Besides, we guarantee all our goods and if not entirely satisfactory will cheer to go through several thicknesses of LIQUORS FOR KANSAS. Did he hit it? is the question. Wilson Coun less at Jersey City, N.

writes: Everything good for babies deserves attention. Croup is their worst enemy. I am happy to state we have used Hill's heavv clothing and its force was check Postmaster Kess sold one of his fine ty Citizen. Write for price list and condition oi fully exchange but remember to bring the ed. It then struck a rib and glanced, Htonk mora Monday that weighed 109 What had the creamery done that shipment to Landauer Men's Furnishing Goods, so that only a slight wound was in thev should shoot a dog at it? Been pounds and was less than four months peerless cougn syrup wim obbd oi ic-sults here among our little ones.

I can cash. S. J. BARTLETT, flicted. Charles F.

Kennett of Buxton combing the hairs out of the butter? old. Joplin, juo. W. L. Zink and family left for Green did the shooting and claims he did it cheerfully recommend it to mothers in self defense, as McDonough was as Joe Knowland is home from his trip Choice beef, pork and mutton always finl, lrrn mnnt inirt'of Proprietor of Bartlett's Cash Grocery.

wood county, where they expect to saulting him. It is said that Dotn lor croup. Mrs. U. liouner.

ve sen above syrup. No cure no pay. Peter Reeger. to southern California. He thinks that Large Line of Boots and Shoes, Hats, Caps, parties had been drinking ana the ait- make their future home, last Sunday morning.

Mr. Zink has long been country is the garden spot of this foot flculty arose over the procuring of more Rtool and as ne aescriDes its Deauues When in Neodesha dont forget to stop at the The rounders continue to have little iamborees occasionally, but where identified with Altoona, having located hauor. Jvennett was arrestea ana PERSONAL. N. H.

Frohlichstein of Mobile, at this point almost if not quite with lodged in jail. On Monday he was ar they get the hilarity juice is a and benefits his language glows with eloquence. Still he has not yet fully made up his mind to leave Kansas and the first white settlers and opened up raigned before Scmire Mead, who set COMMERCIAL, puLL LINE FEESH GUOCEHIES. a little store under a tree, keeping his writes: I take great pleasure in recommending Dr. King's new discovery for consumption, having used it for se his examination lor next ivtonaay ana go there to stay.

goods in his wagon at night, boon a Second hand sewing machines at placed his bond at $1,000. H. Cook, little store room was built and eventu the leadine hotel of the city, corner of Fourth your own price at W. J. Schubert's.

Lee Yarbrough, Ed Price and Walter vere attack ot broncnitis ana catarrn. ThA violation of anv of nature's laws and Main streets, where you will find every Kennett were accepted as bondsmen hrincro ifa warning bv the feeling oi ally the town or tieddesburg sprung up, being named in honor of Thomas It gave me instant relief and entirely cured me and I have not been afflicted J. Hudson has added a splendid and Kennett was released. McDon CALL AND EXAMINE GOODS AND PRICES. discomfort.

Exposure will induce Geddes, who is still a resident. Mr. new parlor grand piano to the furni colds, throat diseases, consumption ough was formerly roadmaster of this division of the 'Frisco. He is now Zink still 6tuck to his business after ture of his elegant home in Qarfield thing First Newly Refitted since. I also beg to state that 1 had tried other remedies with no good result.

Have also used electric bitters all of which give warning by a T-v the town company came along and BUTCH ART GREEN, park. farming and owns a fine farm a few troublesome cough, use ur. xuu laid out the town and proceeded to mix 1 i tL and Dr. King's new life pills, both of miles east of this city and is usually a cough svrup in time ana remove uom Highest cash price paid for produce, which I can recommend. Dr.

King steady and peaceable citizen. things up stuck to it through grasshoppers, drouth and flood and kept Southwest Corner Public Square, Fredonia, Kar the cause and enect or your aiscom fruit ana vegetaoies at tne juascot. and Refurnished. new discovery for consumption, coughs fort. starvation away Irom many a door by and colds, is sold on a positive guaran The Democratic central committee, Frank Tyler is now at home in the the juaicious manner ot extending a tee.

Trial bottles free at Keeger's drug The Buffalo Clipper says, or at least called to meet in Fredonia one week EVERYTHINGFRESH Roy Sholes dwelling house. His sis worthy credit, and his success in after store. tries hard in an article pub from to-morrow, consists of the follow years was due to a great extent to this ter, Mrs. Jennie Davis, is keeping lished last week, to say that John K. A Home forthe Weary.

house for him. fact, as there are scores of people liv If worms in vour children you'd kill ing members, the membership from Center township being vacant on account of Committeeman W. M. Vestal ing in the community who were so ac Demoss and E. A.

Runyan are about to start a bank at that place. The in Use that peerless specific of Hill's; EVERYTHING GOOD Green's meat market is the place to commodated who would never spend a It is pleasant to take, so mate no mis stitution is to be known as the Clifton having removed from the county: Ce- cent with anybody but BillvZink. It go for choice beet, mutton and pork. take dar township. Frank Moore: Chetopa, bank.

It is something the town has ZO to iiikI froiix is our opinion that Mr. Zink will event needed badly and will no doubt prove C. A. Kettmann: Cluton, umer ien; ually drift back to Altoona and go to Buy that fine worm specific of Hill s. Guaranteed to give satisfac tion or money refunded.

Peter Reeger. all "ti-ains. Miss Ida Condit gave a "donkey last Friday evening. It is the first Colfax. Wm.

Knapp; Duck Creek: a paying enterprise. selling goods to his old customers. PURE! EVERYTHING A. Duncan: Guilford. John Knaus; Ne- event of the kind that has occurred in Altoona Anvocate.

Mrs. Rov Sholes. accompanied by odesha, Samp Thompson; Newark, Fredonia society. C. P.

BTJRCHF1ELD, Proprietor. WONDERFUL CURES. W. D. Hoyt wholesale and re her son, took her departure Sunday for Kobert Whitaker: JNorth a an Kiver, c.

Wednesday morning about 10 o'clock W. Hickox: Pleasant Valley, J. N. Tay Seattle, wasn. to join ner uub- T.

Seems, M. homeopathic physi a man appeared at A. bkaggs' house, tail druggists of Rome, say: lor: Prairie, Frank Sprague; South Fall hand. who is located there ana tninKs two miles west of town, and telling cian and surgeon. Over Bartlett's store.

Published in the Fredonia Democeat Septem t.hft chancre of climate has greatly ben- River. Elias Blackburn: Talleyrand, E. Mrs. Skaggs that he had come there to have been selling Dr. rving new uia-covery, electric bitters and Bucklen's MAS efited his health.

He was quite poorly G. Cheatham: Verdigris, Samuel Mof- Mrs. Sumption, who has been visit ber 2, 1887. ORDINANCE NO. 85.

board, went into a bed room and proceeded to go to bed. Mrs. Skaggs in dnrinsr the Bast vear and his mends fatt. ing her daughter, Mrs. G.

D. Taylor, UUl 11111 are glad to know that he has been pen- near Dun. returned to her home in A team hitched to one of Otto's flour formed her who came to the house, and seeing by the man's actions arnica salve lor two years; nave ueve handled remedies that Bell as well or give such universal satisfaction. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. efated by the cnange.

Garnett Tuesday. wagons, while standing unhitched in front of the flour storehouse in the ab to TTater An Ordinance ran It Williams. T. Green Co's. Relating ITorks.

lev Houth of the sauare. Tuesday alter- that he was crazy, persuaded him to get up and leave the place. After he had gone Mr. Skaggs went back to his work in the field. He had not been Buy your wall paper ot Pierce and he will trim it for you without extra DUN AKIN Proprietors.

WEST SIDE SQUARE. grocery drummer, of Kansas City, who Several cases oi pronounced consumption have been entirely cured by use noon, became ingnienea ana siarieu charge. travels an oyer sosineasieru ivajiooo, informed us while here last Saturday toward the mill at breakneck speed. As thev turned into Main street from of a few bottles of Dr. King's new discovery taken in connection with elec there long before his wife came after him again, saying that the man had that, the nrnns were better the r- District court will convene on Tues Be itorilained by the Mayor and Councilmcn of the allev they made such a sudden digris valley than in any other portion day.

SeDtember 13 one week from next returned. Skaggs then had the man the City of Fredonia, mison bounty, Kansas: tric bitters, we guarantee ineni always. Sold by Peter Reeger. turn that the heavy wagon could not CASH or TRADE for COUNTRY PRODUCE. Tuesday.

There will be about 130 brought to town and turned over to of his territory. He says that eariy rorn is usually unharmed by the keep up. One wheel collapsed and the Spr.tion 1. That Ordinance No. 81.

an ordi Constable Lee, who locked him up. pases on the docket. If the liver is torpid and the bowels nance relating to water works, in the city of load ot sacked wheat ana tne wagon drouth. Altoona Advocate. He is a stranger here.

He says his ircaoma, Kansas, De ana tne same i iiereuy constipated von will feel sick all over, renealed. bed were deposited in the street. The horses turned south on Grant, street name is Stivers and that he is irom The Mascot wants all your produce your head will ache and be dizzy, your A. a voung man who was Wichita. It is understood that a good and will pay the highest price in cash bee 2.

This ordinance shall take effect and be In force from and after its publication once in with the remainder of the wagon, but spiTpt.nrv of ft building and loan associ many people went crazy on Wichita or trade. the Fredonia Democrat. were soon stopped. Ihe wrecked ve ation in Lawrenceville, 111., absconded real estate last spring, but it was Passed the council and approved by the may hicle was taken to Bob Wood's for re appeute win ue puui, civ. wuu n-tle pills are the one genuine remedy to start the machinery into proper action.

One pill a dose. Peter Reeger. The kid ball club of this citv went to from thfrfi about ten davs ago with thought they were ail either dead or pairs, of the association's cash. iast cured by this time. Cherryvale Tuesday and played the kid nine of that place, doing them up or this 30tn flay or August, A.

u. Wi. Attest: ISAAC HUDSON, W. S. JOYCE.

Mayor. City Clerk. STATE OF KANSAS,) ConsTY of Wilson, Tuesday he was arrested at the home of a relative of his near this city by to tpe tune of Lt to 14. An institution known as the Mer BALLARD'S HOREHOUND YR UP. A sinsle bottle of Ballard's horehound chants' Protective association was or Constable Lee, who held mm unui ine I.

W. S. Jovee. citv clerk of the city of Fredo Take what produce, fruit and vegetat sheriff from Illinois came and got him ganized among the merchants of this Rfl (jull mm nia, Wilson county, Kansas, hereby certify that bles you have to dispose of to the Mas "When Bby was sick, ire gvo her Castorla, When sho a Child, she cried for Castoria, city recently, me ODject was to pre the above is a full, true and correct copy 01 or syrup kept about your house for immediate use will prevent serious sickness, a large doctor bill and perhaps death by the use of three or four doses. For Uncle Mat Freaner says he has been cot grocery house.

dinance sso. as passed by the citv counciL pare a 11st 01 tnose customers who When she became Miss, she clang to Castoria, in Krp nnia. seventeen veaio auu ui itness my nana ana oinciai seai were not prompt to pay their bills and divide them into several classes. The this August 30th, A. D.

187. W. S. JOYCE. that time he has never run a DanK or Miss Carrie Hillyer, who has been When she had Children, she gare them Castoria, i ii in ii Jm lists were printed and each member of the guest of Miss Rose Langemeyer for City Clerk.

beat a widow woman. He says 11 ne a.ii onvhnrlv and thev want their several weeks, will return to ner nome uo the association was furnished with a copy. It was intended to keep the lists currng consumption its success nas been simply wonderful and for ordinary coughs, colds, sore throat, croup, whooping cough, sore chest and hemorrhages its effects are surprising and wonderful. Every bottle guaranteed. mnnpv let them brina in ineir diu ami in Columbus to-morrow.

secret, but by some means it leaked he will pay it. He has a lot of cattle nthr Ktrnfc nnrl is well able to pay $25 REWARD. out who had been reported and then When you want any letter heads, hia hills, and does do it. He saya if Mr. Sullivan not John the diamond belted bruiser from Boston, but The above reward will be paid for any there were some angry men in town.

note heads, bill heads, envelopes, for Infants and Children. 'CMtorl ia bo well adapted to children that I Cafltorl cures Colic, ConfttlpaHon, recommend it superior to any prescription I RJr Stomach, Diarrhoea, Ec'on known to me." IL i Aacuia, M. I ZfoT' 111 Bo. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. T.

Without injurious medication. Tnm Csmtaub Compact, 188 Pulton Street. N. T. thorp is a.

merchant in town wno win case of rheumatism not henehtea Dy especially among those who were re come to the Democrat othce. Charles, the champion brick setter and Peter Reeger, agent. Cherokee, he great Indian blood purifier, will cure dyspepsia, indigestion, nut trust him he would like to see the ported as "good, but slow. One reg Ballard's snow liniment. There is no color of his eyes.

Uncle Mat ia hot. all around story teller ot tne sunnower state was here last Sunday. He is Mrs. C. K.

Cantrall and children de- ular bloody tight and several weighty narted Wednesday on a visit to rela word skirmishes have been the results iust finishing the brick work on the pain it will not relieve, no swelling it will not subdue, no wound it will not-heal. It is the most penetrating liniment known: for all pain for man or scrofula, erysipelas, salt rheum and scald head. Price 1, or six bottles for TCnhnbe started on Sunday for tives in DeWitt county, III. They will so far. PnrtlQnd Orrt.

From there he will be absent about a month. new court house in Concordia, and ne and his partner, Mr. Steinmetz. have nine store buildings now under con The city council at a meeting held beast it stands without a parallel. La visit different points in Oregon and Tuesday evening passed an ordinance Washington territory with the view or tract in Wichita.

dies who have back ache should never be without it. Price 50 cents. Peter Farmers, we will buy all the produce, fruit and garden truck you have to sell 1 1 repealing ordinance Jso. SI, in which selecting a location providing ne iiKea $5. Peter Reeger.

BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores.tetter.chapped hands, chilblains. the city grants to James A. O'Xeil the that country. His family will remain Reeger, agent.

Steve Monroe arrived baturday on a risht to.construct, maintain and oper ana pay me mgnesi marsei price. A. Dunakin Slascot procery House. visit and will remain another week. here for the present, tjnarue nas Deen Vi-oflnnia for a pood while ate water works in the city providing FMiia Transfer Coiaiy.

Steve looks well and seems to be en the provisions of corns and all skin eruptions and posi ne complies witn ail Cant sleep nights is the complaint of thousands suffering from asthma, consumption, coughs, etc. Did you joying life. His friends wish he had finaet rt Iiq tnarbot' Vam eifl TYl and says he is loth to leave Kansas be- causebe likes the country and the r.Ar.nlp hnt. ho. can't stand the Murray the ordinance.

The council claims brought his wife with him and come to NEW BARBER SHOP. AFvCIIIE BEECIIAM, the pomplinhP1 knight of the rnr. is now at nome" in his newly filtcl ami furnlnhj-d tonsorial npartmenln in Iho basem*nt of the Wilson Couutv bank building. Call aixl ec him. that Mr.

O'Iseil has neglected to com etv. but she remained benecai ails, tively cures piles or no pay requirea. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Peter Reeger.

California preserved truits, as fane ag silk: jellies and all other good things ever try Acker's English remedy? It is the best preparation known for all faw'and must bunt a new home where ply with several of those conditions, N. where they have made their the people are at least half free. at Bartlett's cash grocery. nence 11s action. luner troubles.

Sold on a positive guar home since their marriage. They may Bus meets all trains carrying passengers to and from the city. Leave calls at office of Adams Express company. J. A.

BUKGE, President, antee at 10 and 50 cents by W. 1. Pierce conclude next year to come to Kansas Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. Bros. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.

to live..

Fredonia Democrat from Fredonia, Kansas (2024)


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.