The Memphis Evening Herald from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)

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The Memphis Evening Heraldi

Memphis, Tennessee

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MEMPHIS EVENING HERALD: WEDNESDAY EVENING MAY 28 1879 LEGAL No CHARGE hole in their tops through which a hose ia inserted and water is allowed to run upon the gold to wash the acid from it At night Smith used to insert a long scoop made of zinc and gathei up a small duch*ess to open the billets addressed to the confided to her charge What was her astonishment at reading this epistle Horror cried she A child of I I Ebentttg Pjcralti MEMPHIS WEDNESDAY MAY 28 1879 The Hrrald will not publish any offensive personal matter not even as an advertisem*nt Letters for publication must be brief to the point written on one sid of the sheet and must be solely at the disposal of the Editors All letters or information for publication should be addressed to the Editor of the Hxrald i i i 1 i 1 A HAST A HAS SOB THAT Jb there fer honest poverty ha hangs his bead and that? the coward -1T we pais him by We dare be poor for that For that and that Our tolls 'obscure and a that The rank la but the guinea stamp The the gowd lot that- What tho' on hamely tare we dine Wear hodden gray and that Gie fools their silks and knaves their wine A a man for that For tbat and that heir tinsel show snd The honest man though sae poor Is king o' men for that Too see yon birkle a lord ha struts snd stares and that Though hundreds worship at bis word but a coot for a that For that and that HU riband star and The man of Independent mind He looks and laugha at that A prince can a belted knight A marquis duks and a that But as honest aboon his might Guid faith he mauna that! For a tbat and that Their dignities and a' Tha pith sense and pride worth Are higher ranks than that Then let ns pray that tome It may As come It will for a that That sense and worih o'er the earth May bear the gree and that For a that and that It's coining yet lor that When man to man the warld Hhall brothers be lor that Robert Burnt high family to violate her duty in seek- quantity of the metal which he melted ing a painter at midnight down a crucible Rt home- Smith She rang and sent for the guilty one but her rage redoubled when Lucy with her customary gentleness denied all knowledge of the cause of her reproaches The duch*ess who expected to witness in her great confusion or a candid avowal would listen to nothing The alarm was given in the palace and it was decided that Lucy disgraced should be sent home to her father Her prayers were of no avail a single night of respite was aloue accorded to her and she was compelled to sleep in the apartment of the duch*ess to avoid further scandal At midnight Lucy rose'as before the duch*ess was aroused from her unquiet sleep and called all the ladies to witness the confirmation of her suspicions -With a lighted flambeaux the duch*ess attended by a numerous suite followed Lucy who traversed again the long hall and numerous passages and arrived at the door of the monastery Her culpability could no longer be doubted but they followed her even to the painting room where she was already seated before the easel The noise around her and the brilliancy of the lights awoke her in a fright Bhe was a somnambulist Thus unconsciously had she served as a model to the artist who lully repaid in love what she bad given him in re nown He obtained the prize and was loaded down at the court with honors and riches A few days afterward there was celebrated at St the union of Van Dyck and Lucy the daughter of the noble Count Ruthven for several years in the employ of the Pacific Mail Steamship company running as steward on one of the Panama steamers He was turned over to the marshal- Not Any Kansas St Lems Post-Dispatch Forty-eight negroes start south to their old homes on the James Howard this afternoon They are looking wretched and miserable and declare with one voice that there never was a greater mistake than their journey northward They say that it is impossible for the negro to do otherwise than starve in Kansas and that at the south at any rate they have at all times plenty to eat and plenty to wear One significant (act in their return is that although Messrs Sells Company have offered them transportation to any part of the valley they may wish to reach they in sist cn going to their old homes or nowhere Bulldozing will they think be delightful change from the reception they enjoyed in Kan sas Their statements about the amount of disease and death among them are hardly credible but the fact remains that they are coming back in no such condition as they went north The way they travel into cheese crackers and dried beef with which they have been furnished is a serious obitacle to conversation They are too busy Sure Signs To meet a funeral is a sign of death To dissipate to-day is a sign your hair will pull to-morrow To kiss a pretty girl against her will ADVERTIsem*nTS UNDER THE HEAD OF WANTED (SITUATIONS 11ULP ETC) Of an acceptable nature and not to exceed three lines on onr third page are free toalh business advertisem*nt inserted without pay We wish our patron to understand that we are determined to make The Herald the medium through which the general public may always have their wants supplied No free advertisem*nt taken after 10 a Advertisem*nt can be left at oar office or sent through the mail to IIDHALII PPBLlfiHIHO CO 2H7 Maiu and tt-A 9ft ad I won Mreet WANTED A SITUATION In asmall family by a lady I thoroughly mpetent to assist or or r-see in a large family or will go to away with 1 a family First class city references given Address this office BY a white man of experience a nltuatlnn on irultor stoca larm Address WM MELVIN City KT of books to postt by a com patent book keeper Address this office A this office AL1V So 0U0 to take control of a manufacturing business pro tit* very large For particulars I apply or address JOHN McKAY comraer- cial Hotel A BOY about 14 to this otbee milk cows Apply at os- CENTH per copy will be pual at this ol-fCi) bee for the Evening Herald lor the following dates for the year 1877: June 9th 2tith August 8th September 8th 10th 11th October Bth 8th 9tn and November 29th Everybody to know that there never was such a chance to buy splendid Pianos and Organs as Hollenberg Is nowotlerlag He Is overcrowded and must sell oft atji sacrifice White or colored who can bring reierenees cau tiud good situations by applying at tbe Intelligence Office 158 Main street rpO sell one thousand papers suitable for wrapping paper and carpet matting 25 cents a hundred at this office FOR RENT OOMS furnished or unfurnished Union street At 328 CLEAN nice rooms at Whitemore House Adams street A YOUNG P-oprletor FOR SALE A GENTLE Work horse cheap Enquire 218 Front Street $250 will buy two good building lots 1 in Fort Pickeiing Will sell on weekly payments A chance for tbe workingman to build a home Apply or address MRS McCLURE 310 Madison Street extended Memphis Highly cultivated and large pay ing fruit farm of 170 acres situated one mile west of Barlett on the Memphis and Louisville Railroad with flag station i on the ex Mrt to 286 And that a copy of this order be pub- 1 lished once a week for four successive weeks in the Memphis Evening Herald This May 21st 1879 A copy attest: Owen Dwyer Clerk By Cullen nCHOLARSHIP One Commercial scholar-O ship ineluding a fair course In book-keeping Address BOOK-KEEPER this office In commercial course and This is all very well you are proud and we are noble but nevertheless these honors are conditional You will be chosen painter to the queen if yon succeed in gaining the prize which is offered for the most perfect head of the 1 madam if the patronage of her majesty is offered me only on those conditions I shall not obtain why not Because I shall not gain the replied he with au expression of sadness which waa instantly reflected on the face of Lucy Why do you refuse this honor Do you fear to fail No madam but how shall I represent as she should be represented the mother of the Savior 7 Where shall I find a model As he pronounced these words his eyes rested on the angelic face of Lucy I have hitherto sought in vain the combination of mildness sweetness and candor which should character ize tie queen of heaven The fire of genius which illuminated the handsome countenance of Van Dyck elicited the admiration of all observers But I should imagine that there would be no difficulty in obtaining models for The models which can be obtained for hire are beautiful without doubt I have sought in vain for the dignity and purity which I have never seen united but in a noble lady who would disdain to sit to a poor The animated aDd ardent glance of Van Dyck embarrassed Lucy it told her that he had at last found the object his fancy had depicted The duch*ess however had not observed it and asked Who is this noble lady The virgin herself madam Bowing profoundly and giving a parting glance at Lucy he added If 1 gain the prize you shall see me again madam if not leave England" He took immediate possession of his apartments where he could at the same time paint his madonna and copy the frescoes for the chapel With his mind full of the celestial lace he had just seen he seized his pencil and endeavored to trace her lineaments But the extrema sensibility so useful to art when time has calmed it was now his chief obstacle He felt too deeply to succeed in expressing the idea which filled soul The day passed in fruitless attempt and the night surprised him dissatisfied and despondent In the meantime Lucy had suffered severely for the preference shown her by Van Dyck The envy and jealousy of her companions found vent in impertinent sarcasm so that on separating for the night her mind was filled with his idea and after her nightly prayer his name was the last on her lips It was midnight The heavens shone with a thousand sparkling stars and a dark light BDread itself on the old ahbev ruins A window of the palace opened and a shadow passed slowly along the balcony and staircase crossed along the court and reached the monastery It would be difficult to say how this figure had left the palace and penetrated so far but she must have been well ac quainted with all the turnings for in a short time she crossed the long avenue and arriving at one end of the galleries of the chapel she found herself in the work room and passing lightly on seated herself without looking around her immediately in front of his easel Oh surprise I Oh joy I this being so calm so beautiful is Lucyl The desponding artist who had been unable to retrace her features on canvas now beheld a living model before his eyes What idea could have given her the courage and resolution 7 He threw him self on his knees before her but Lucy motioning him to rise pointed to his pencil Her look penetrated him with a flame so pure that he forgot the reality of his vision his astonishment seemed to him a want of faith Transported by imagination to an ethereal sphere he seemed above the earth and in the midst of the sublime concerts angels he beheld Mary environed by divine rays He was no longer the powerless artist who had just thown at his feet his un successful pencil the artist replaced the man Mute and breathless inspired by mysterious strength he seized his pal ette His colors gave the form and his soul the in a few hours he created the most beautiful and the most pure of virgins When the young girl saw that after tracing her features he was occupied' fn imparting to his picture the soul which animated him she rose silently and with a calm and assured step left the monastery by the same road she had come Van Dyck with wondering eyes and oppressed breathing made not the slightest effort to detain her In his eyes she was no longer mortal and in her departure he thought he saw tho Madonna returning to her native skies Enchanted by his execution and excitement he fell asleep in his arm chair On awakening his first thought was to examine the with joy at his suoeess be thanked the angel i woman who had so favored him In vain he endeavoed again to impart the ideality which existed in bis Imagination He had so combined the thoughts of tho Madonna and of Lncy that he determined to discover the truth and wrote the following billet to the young girl Tell me if you are indeed an angel if yon do not wish to deprive of bis senses the poor artist to whoriT yon' have 'consented to ap peer this night tell mo- if yon sre a virgin of a mortal It wm part of tha duly of tha dowager Non-Resident Notice In the Chancery Court "I Of Shelby County Tenn-J HATTIF BISHOP vs JOHH BISHOP IT appearing from affidavit In this that the defendant John Bishop is aclti ten of Arkansas and a non-resident of the State of Tennessee it is therefore ordered that he make hie appearance herein at the Conrthouee in the Ciiy of Memphis Tenn- on or before the first Jondey in July 17S and plead anewer or demur to Complainant Bill or the same will be taken for confessed as to him and set for hearing ex parte and that a copy of this order ta published once a -wet for four successive weeks in the EVXN- 1X0 BRA 11) Tnls 14th day of My 1879 A Copy Attest: BLACK Clerk and Master Duval a Ran kin of Com Non-Resident Notice In the Probate Court of Shelby County Ten nessee Mrs SUSAN PRESTON vs FORD et al Petition for Trustee vice Jno vant CT appearing from original bill in this cause which is sworn to that defendants Rembert Trezevant and Miss Sallie Trezevant are non-residents of the State of Tennessee and residents of the State of Louisiana It is therefore ordered that they make their appearance herein at the Court-House of our said Probate Court in Memphis Tenn on or before the first Monday in July 1879 and tilead answer or demur to till or the same will he taken for confessed as to them and set for hearing ex-parte And that a copy of this order be published once a week for four successive weeks in the Memphis Evening Herald This May 21st 1S711 A copy attest: Owen Dwyer Clerk By Hugh Cullen Non-Resident Notice In the Probate Court Ol Shelby County Tenn JOHN RING WALD vs JOHN DOAN et al Petition for Trustee vice JNO TREZEVANT IT appearing from original bill in this cause which is sworn to that defendants John Doan Rembert Trezevant and Miss Sallie Trezevant are non residents of the State of Tennessee It is therefore ordered that they make their appearance herein at the Court house of our said Probate in Memphis Tennessee on or before the first Monday in July 1879 and plead answer or demur to bill I herein or the same will De taken for confessed as to them and set for hearing Attachment Notiee No Before Geo Crockett For Shelbv County Tenn SILAS SKIDMORE VS TOM BUNTYN Tennessee and returned levied upon the property of the defendant and affidavit hav ing teen made that defendant i indebted to the plain tiffin the sum or Fifteen dollar (916) due dv account and that the claim isjunt aBa that tbe defendant is a non-reuldent of the Htate of Tennessee it is therefore ordered that said defendant make hi personal appearance berore me on the lit Li nay of June at my office No 285 Main street Memphis Tennessee and defend said suit within the time prescribed by law or the same will be proceeded with ex-parte and that a copy of this order be published once a week for four weeks in the Evening Heraii This the 6th day of May 1 CROCKETT Trustee's Sale UNDER and virtue of a certain trust deed made me an tt ustee duly recorded in book number 124 page 811 or the office ol Hht-lhy county Tennessee and by direction of the beneficiary thereunder I will on Monday the 16lk day of Jnoe 1979 in front of my residence Number CO Jones avenue in the city of Memphis TenueBe proceed to sell at public auction for cash the following described Real Estate to wit: A certain Jot of land in Shelby c- unty Tennessee and city Memphis iwgmuing at a point on the wetd line of Orleans treet 48 feet and 8 inches north of the northwest corner 4 the intersection of Ht Paul and Urbans streets thence north 18 feet and 8 inches with Orleans street and running wetwardly between parallel lines depth of 100 leet being lot No 17 o' the Kimth subdivision Also another lot of land in said county of Shelby deserited In the deed recorded in oook number JJ5 page 843 of the office of She by county Tenie-ee Also another lot of land rntah' county helby described in tbe deed recorded in bookV part 1 pages 394 and 395 ol the said Register's office of Mhelby county Tennessee Also anoi her lot of land in said county of Shelby described in the ded recorded in book Number 4 part i pages 547 and 548 of the office of Shelby county Tennessee Also soother lot of laud in Shtlby county Tennessee described in the deed recorded In book number 1 pages 285 and 2M ot the said Register's office as oted 1 Note Book No 1 page 24 on January 3rd 185 of said office Equity of redemption waived FRUZWARNEKE Trustee BLUFF CITY LOAN OFFICE No 18 JEFFERSON ST MEMPHIS Money to Loan on all Personal Property Diamonds Watehes Jewelry Clothing and other article of VHlue Goods kept any length of time agreed upon Persona unable call at our office will be waited upon by addressing us by mall Business atrlofly confidential NAM LOWENNTFIN A CO Licensed Pawnbrokers GEO ROWELL CO Newspaper Advertising Bureau For Ten Cents One hundred Page Pamphlet with Lists of Newspapers and Advertising Ilates For Ten Dollars: Four lines inserted one week In Three Hundred and Fifty Newspapers 10 Spruce St open-hearted is a sign you'll get your face scratched To take home a piece of beefsteak is a sign there will be a broil in the family To see a dog fly at a leg is a sign a misfortune is going to befall the calves To see a man loafing around a bar room is a sign drink if you ask him to BALD HEADS A REY0IDT10N IN HAIR RESTORERS Benton Analytica and Consulting Chemist Cleve land i cky Dis covery WE HAVE IT THIS TIME BURE I WE HAVE MADE A WONDERFUL DIM COVERY I After twenty years of study and practical experimenting we have demonstrated to a certainty that we have found a IN the long sought for prize Did you ever hear of any body who could make the hair grow Did you ever nee anybody who could make the hair grow? Did vou ever think there was any body who could make the hair grow Did you ever hear oraiy body who ever saw any body who ever knew any uody who could or ever did make the hair grow Bays one I believe you can grow hair another says I have been fooled too manj j-p-oi hoiivfl when I see it grow We born facts which will help your Unbelief Ifyourhair is falling out and you wish to save it if your head Is covered with dandruff and you wish to remove it or if your head is bald and you wish to cover it with good healthy hair read the following: Dr Benton Dear Sir: I was almost bald when I commenced the use of your Electro Dynamic Hair Grower about six months since I now have ag od growl! of hair over all that part of my heiul which was bald half an Inch or more In length and it Is In strong vigorous healthy condition HUSTON 12 Cedar Av Cleveland Dr Dear Sir: Ahoutslx weeks ago I was Induced to try a bottle of Dy namlo Hair which I applied twice a week with the most satisfactory results It keeps my head perfectly free from dandruff with which I have been much troubled My hair was very thin gnd falling out which Is now stopped and a new growth of hair started It Is truly a Hair Grower and as a dressing it has no equal TAYLOR 141 Superior St Cleveland Ohio Dr Benton Dear Sir During the last three months I have used one bottle of your Electro Dynamic Hair Grower with pt rfect satisfaction When I began Its unc my hair was falling out rapidly and I was partially bald anil have been troubled fot years with dandruff My head Is now entirely covered with hair In a healthy condition does not fall out and Is free from dandruff I cheerfully recommend It to all who want to save their hair GEO CADY lr0 Ontario St Cleveland Dr Benton Dear Sir: My hair commenced falling out years since and baldness had existed so long that one half of my head had become in a glazed condition and shone like a billiard ball Ain ut one year since you gave me a bottle of your Hair Grower nut I had used so many worthless preparations tbat It was some time before I commenced Its application About nine months since I commenced to use it and I bad not applied it but a few weeks when new hair commenced to grow overall that i art of my head which was bald and I now have asgood a head of hair as any body The new growl li of hair Is from two to three inches in length and of natural color In healthy condition and it has made such a difference In my appearance that maDy of my intimate acquaintances do not recognize me It is the only preparation I ever knew would grow hair for an actual fact SELBY Uardington April 2i 1879 AW If you want further evidence write for large circulnff which we will mail free Dr Electro Dynamic Hair Grow er Is now presented to tlie world without fear of contradiction as the most perfect Hair preparation ever produced It is free from mineral poisons of every description and its composition In every respect is a perfect or the elements that compose the natural structure of the hatr No coal otl smell or benzine to make the hair harsh Its use makes tbe hair soft glossyand beautiful and Imparts a most delicate perfume Hold by all druggists and merchants in all cities and towns where our advertisem*nts appear or sent by express on receipt of price SI per bottle or bottles for Si Addiess Dynamic Medicine Co City Hall Block Cleveland Ohio Hold by Jones A I TAXING DISTRICT SALOON 48 North Court Street Imported Wines Liprs and Cigars Laser Beer Always on Tap FRANK MANG Proprietor Lunch daily lrom 10 to 1 INVEST IN GOOD GOLD AND SILVER MINI? -AT- Leadville Colorado Tbe Carbonate Gold land SIlverMIu Ing Co of Leadlllle Col have placed 20000 of their Capital Rtoek on the marnet af a working capital The Company ow li good mines and are dally buying up more The company is organised as a prospecting and developing company and any person Ue siring to invest In a good mining enterpriM in the world where fortunes are daily mait by prospecting and developing mines can do no better than to buy stock of this Company For further particulars references etc ad dress CHARLE8 KUKZ JE 8ec'y Lock Box 1974 Beer I Aug Huber SALOON KG 18 MAIN STREET V-lnes Liquors and Cigars Lager Always on Tap The Hrrald will be sent by mail'fpre -paid! to any part of the United States at the following rates payable in advance: One Copy one month 50 three months 1 0 six months 3 00 one year 5 50 In clubs of ten or more a discount will be all' wed to the getter up of ten per cent on the above rates Communications solicited from all parts of the country but they must be brief and interesting to secure insertion To those desirous of circulating an independent conservative journal they will find the Herald all that could be desired Sample copies sent free on application All letters or correspondence should be addressed to the Hbrald Publishing Co 24 Madison and 2S7 Main streets Memphis Tenn The Herald has I he largest clrcnla-tlen of any newspaper In this city and donble that of any evening paper nnhlished In Memphis OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE CITY How not to pay life insurance policies has received an accession from Chicago A citizen had a policy in a prominent life insurance company To relieve pain he took an opiate It was an overdose and he died The company refused to pay alleging that it was suicide and a Chicago judge decided that while the suicide might have been involuntary the act of taking the poison was voluntary and vitiated the policy Such a decision is simply a revolution in the life insu ranee business Accidental poisoning will now be a precedent for refusal to pay The Senate stands opposed to retrenchment especially in regard of its own officials It not only has not cut down the salaries of its officials and employes but it has increased them to the amount of $45 000 above the amount paid for similar services in the House This sort cf reform by increasing the pay of Senate officers and employes 'V-vuwfv viLivo ailii messengers ought to have more pay than is allowed persons filling like places in the House ought not Senators too to get salaries double those of Representatives? And yet is it not a fact that both are now receiving more pay than they are earning? There is only one difficulty about Eads scheme' to get money from the government and that is that his jetty channel is filling up with mud a condition of affairs that the government was paying out money liberally to avoid If the jetties were not a great job designed to obstruct instead of promote the free navigation of the Mississippi to the sea the wrong would not be so great upon the people but as it is it simply serves the purpose of the great railroad corporal ions-which actually sought a few years ago to obstruct the Great Father of Waters by bridging it with structures so low that navigation with first rate steamers was impossible Failing to destroy but not to cripple the water transportation of the Mississippi valley they have npw hit upon a more insidious policy that of pretending to aid in the free navigation of the river while their agent is to make no permanent improvement in its condition but to demonstrate in the most successful manner not to do But after a little this stupendous job will be exposed to the indignant gaze of all men and then even congressmen who may be partners in the great job will be among the most determined opponents of the great fraud We want just what Eads promised a stage of water to the sea that will practically open the mouth of the riYer to vessels of large size for the benefit of the commerce of the entire Mississippi Valley and it is just because plan doesjnof promise to furnish it that we insist upon another and a better one Mrs views ar interesting to those who are thinking about keeping a carriage She says she has thought it all over and come to the conclusion that brooches are almost too large that these coupons are toe shut up but that a nice stylish poor phantom seems tpbe just the thing THE BRIDE In one cf the splendidly decorated saloons at St was assembled a group of youcg and lovely girls whose delicate fiDgere were busily engaged in different kinds of ornamental needlework which under their Bkillful arrangement formed bouquets which rivaled nature In the brilliancy of their colors and accuracy shades They were the maids ol honor and between their gay chattering and busy fingers employed the me while waiting for her rising The only grave person in the assembly -was the dowager duch*ess de Alby chief of the ladies of honor Among the blooming group the youngest was lemSrkable for simplicity of dress and the quiet modesty of her whole appearance Her attire was a dress of black velvet closed to the throat but of which the skirt open in front inclosed an underdress of white satin the xleeves came just below the elbow and coquettiahly disclosed the arm and hand of the moat dazzling whiteness A plaited tucker encircled her graceful neck on which hung chain to which waa attached a large cross and the luxuriant hair simply parted the forehead and confined by a large scarf completed her costume This was the daughter of one of the most illustrious families of Scotland Her father Lord Rutbven to a princely fortune claimed a pedigree of which he was more proud than of his wealth Lucy his daughter had secretly arrived 4 1 -TT 3 X- wwIsm Lav uuvii VAIOA) to complete the education which had been carefully guided by her father Retired and Bimple in her tastes her mind instinctively sought the sublime in the works of nature and art She excelled in painting and her genius had created a world of her own in the daily contemplation of ihe productions of the best masters which adorned the galleries of her father Paul Veronese Guido Rubens were of the number of her friends and she vowed them eternal gratitude for the light their talents shed on her solitude The habits and manners of Lucy contrasted strongly with those of her companions who had been habituated to more independence and liberty Gentle and timid to excess she scarcely attempted to answer the sportive and often mischievious sallies of her companions The large clock in the saloon chimed the hour of ten All eyes were directed to it and several voices exclaimed very just as a domestic announced the painter Van The announcement caused a general agitation among the smiling group Each one changed her position on hsr velvet Beat re-arranged her dress and composing her countenance sought to give additional grace to her aspect The young pupil ol Rubens albeit accustomed the spirit of beauty could not suppress a murmur of admiration at finding himself in the midst of this brilliant circle The old duch*ess supposing the young embarrassment to be caused by her own imposing appearance to encourage him addressed him in these words I am told that you have talent young Those who have so informed you do me too much honor madame Doubtless they judge me by my intentions but I have as yet produced nothing worthy of There was as much confidence and noble pride in the reply of the painter as there had been arrogance and impertinence in the address of the noble dame ucy who possessed the high spirit of her country was shocked at the insolent tone of the duch*ess and now blushed with pleasure at the leply of Van Dyck As her soft eyes rested approvingly on his face he understood her feelings and thanked her by a look for her generous sy in path Well well we shall see Her majesty wishes to renew the ornaments of her chapel so you will be fully employed A residence will be assigned you in yonder monastery where you will copy undisturbed In summer also you shall have a fit residence besides a pension from the government This think is paying an artist pretty "Art can not be paid for my lady duch*ess and if I purchase the talents to which I aspire the favors which you boait could sot purchase A SAN FRANCISCO TRICK Haw the Mint In tbat City Wm Robbod- A Navel Method New York Mercury A few months after Dodge the present superintendent of the United States mint at San Francisco came into office he became' convinced there were leakages during the working of bullion deposited in the mint in other words that somebody was stealing He communicated his suspicion to Capt Stone who called in detective Jehu and together the two began an investigation that ended in the arrest ef a colored man named Smith charged with stealing at different times $20000 from the mint The feat of the efficers which began in October last is one of the most cleverly executed pieces of detective work in the annals of the department and has resulted in some important discoveries and arrests Henry Smith who has heretofore been a prominent col of considerable influence in politics was first employed as a porter in the mint of 1869 He subsequently left and was reappointed night watchman in 1875 leaving the latter place about a year and a half ago since which time he has had no connection with the mint Upon ascertaining that there were grounds for the suspicions the detectives made inquiries at the various places in the city where bullion was sold It was discovered that Smith was selling large quantities of gold bullion although he had been out of the mint for mouths The detectives then tried to ascertain where the metal came from examining the records of the express effioes and books of agents in this city through whom bullion might be sent to Smith and found that it did not come from the country It was then determined that Smith must have bullion in his possession as he kept on selling it at various places and he was watched for months being under the eyes of detective Jehu It was sns pec ted that be bad accomplices but none were found and the utmost vigilance failed to discover where the gold came from However the detectives concluded to take Smith into custody having obtained circ*mstantial evidence to warrant them in so doing On being arrested Smith denied any knowledge of the matter The detectives then went to house at 781 Broadway and searching it from top to bottom only about one thousand dollars were found Bat in searching the grounds abont the house pieces of a small 'smelting furnace were found These were dng up and shown to Smith who still denied his guilt and affirmed that they must have been put there by some one else But the officers began another search in the yard and soon dug up the remainder of the furnace which was rich in globules of gold ranging in value from 25 cents to $2 The fire bricks were also covered with a slag rich in gold All this was shown to Smith who continued to maintain his innocence However the officers made another search of the grounds when detective Jehu in probing about a flower bed struck a hard substance with his spade about two feet below tbe base of a cactus plant This substance was uncovered' when a small bean pot was found covered with a saucer which had been sealed with beeswax The pot was opened' and found to contain seven iDgotsof gold about the sirs and shapeof a teacup and worth abodt $6200 When these were shown Smith he confessed the whola thing He said that whi'e night watchman under General La Grange of the refinery in which are situated the iron tanks containing what is known as the gold and silver bullion in solution and in process of separation During Uhb process acid je used which dissolves the silver and causes the gold to fall to the bottom Tbe iron tanka are locked at night but there li a small Address SCHOLARSHIP tills office 1 AAA PAPERS suitable for wrapping pa- I 1 VUU per and carp matting at 26 cents per hundred at this office PROFESSIONAL MEWBORN 34 Madl-OP street DENTIST DENTISTS CUTLER 218 Main Street HARRIS 218 Main Street ROBERTSON 27 South Court street DP NELSON Southeast comer Main and Unio1 DR SAUNDERS Offlee Vo 11 Madisou Street OFFICE HOURS 11 a to 2 Residence No 15 Talbot street Dr QUINBY HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 260 Second street opp Court Sq BENSIEOK Ice Cream and Confectioneries 94-96 Beale Street IS now prepared to famish parties imlla pic nics and families with ICE CREAM at hort notice delivered promptly WED-LING CAKES made to order ICE CREAM AND CONFECTIONS OUR Ice-Cream Saloon Is now open for the reception of ladies and gentleman Our cream is the best snd the price as low as the lowest Families and partlen will be supplied at short notice We repectfnlly ask the patronage Of the public SPEC IT WALTER 37 MADISON St) BRUCE CO DEALERS IN Carriages Carriage and Wagon Hardware IKON WOODWORK VARNISHES PAINTS ETC No 37 and 39 Monroe Street MEMPHIS TENNESSEE I lav opef4 and nr now ready foi Tnlne lwr pro nnUy filial MAENDER -DEiLtR IN Guns Pistols DOOR AND TRUNK LOCKS KEY FITTING ETC 23 Madison Nt Memphis i 'Repairing Promptly attended toiaa IUKA SPRING HOTEL AYDLETT PROPRIETOR THIS bouee bs been thoroughly renovated and newly furnished and tbe proprietor la now ready to receive and accommodate gueata Terms furnished on application to the proprietor Special term offered to thoe who wlah to take room for the eeaaon I.

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The Memphis Evening Herald from Memphis, Tennessee (2024)


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.